William Lane Craig (Peoria, 23 de Agosto de 1949) é um apologeta cristão evangélico, teólogo e filósofo analítico estadunidense, conhecido por seu trabalho na filosofia da religião. Atua como professor e pesquisador de filosofia na Escola de Teologia Talbot em La Mirada, Califórnia.
É historiador do Novo Testamento, autor e conferencista sobre temas relacionados com a filosofia da religião, o Jesus histórico, a ressurreição de Jesus Cristo, a coerência da visão de mundo cristã e a teologia natural. É casado com Jan Craig e tem dois filhos adultos, e vive em Atlanta, Geórgia.
Na idade de dezesseis anos ouviu pela primeira vez a mensagem do evangelho e entregou a sua vida a Jesus. Dr. Craig prosseguiu os seus estudos de graduação em Wheaton College (1971), e a pós-graduação no Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (1974-1975), da Universidade de Birmingham (Inglaterra, 1977), e da Universidade de Munique (Alemanha, 1984). De 1980 a 1986 lecionou Filosofia da Religião da Trindade, período durante o qual ele e Jan começaram a sua família. Em 1987 mudou-se para Bruxelas, na Bélgica, onde foi pesquisador da Universidade de Louvain, até assumir o seu cargo na Talbot em 1994.
Ele é o autor ou organizador de mais de trinta livros, incluindo "O Argumento Cosmológico Kalam", "Avaliação das provas do Novo Testamento para a veracidade da ressurreição de Jesus", "A presciência divina e a liberdade humana", "Teísmo, Ateísmo e a Cosmologia do Big Bang", "Deus, o Tempo e a Eternidade" e, mais recentemente, "Veracidade da Fé".
Também escreveu mais de uma centena de artigos em revistas profissionais de filosofia e teologia. É Ph.D em Filosofia pela Universidade de Birmingham, e Ph.D em Teologia pela Universidade de Munique.
Craig sofre de uma doença neuromuscular chamada doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth, um distúrbio hereditário que envolve a lenta desintegração da bainha de mielina que envolve os nervos nos antebraços e pernas, resultando em atrofia muscular progressiva.
Como profissional, ele é um defensor contemporâneo da teologia natural, e muitas vezes participou de debates sobre a existência de Deus ao longo de mais de vinte anos, alguns dos quais foram posteriormente publicados como livros. Durante a sua carreira, Craig debateu sobre as provas históricas da ressurreição de Jesus com Bart D. Ehrman, Robert M. Price, sobre a existência de Deus com Christopher Hitchens, Antony Flew, Quentin Smith, bem como contra estudiosos da Bíblia, tais como o ex-padre católico John Dominic Crossan, co-fundador do Seminário de Jesus (Jesus Seminar). Craig também debateu com muçulmanos sobre o conceito de Deus.
Craig abraça o criacionismo progressivo, embora ele esteja aberto para onde as evidências levam. Ele argumenta extensivamente para um universo sintonizado teísta, uma causa pessoal do universo e uma moral teísta objetiva. Seu trabalho na apologética cristã inclui críticas à evolução através da seleção natural, ao novo ateísmo, a teologia liberal, ao naturalismo metafísico, ao positivismo lógico, ao pós-modernismo, ao relativismo moral, ao catolicismo romano, ao mormonismo, ao islã e ao Seminário de Jesus.
William Lame Craig mantém um ministério com sede em Atlanta, chamado Fé Racional, com 25 campus locais. O site, com o mesmo nome, oferece recursos na área da apologética cristã, incluindo artigos, boletins informativos e transcrições dos debates.
Fontes: Wikipedia, Reasonable Faith
Para mais textos e debates visite o blog Fé Racional (em português).
Livros do Dr. Craig em português podem ser encontrados no site das Edições Vida Nova.
I. Popular Books
A Classic Debate on the Existence of God (transcript) WLC-046TRNS
A transcript of Dr. Craig's debate with the prominent philosopher Michael Tooley at the University of Colorado, Boulder. A good evangelistic tract for the intelligent seeker."
The Case for a Creator (hardcover) WLC-044CCRE
Lee Strobel's case for the existence of God, based on interviews with leading thinkers, including Dr. Craig, on the origin of the universe."
The Case for Christ (paperback / trade edition) WLC-041CCPT / (paperback / pocket edition) WLC-042CCPK
Lee's Strobel's best-selling evangelistic book features his interviews with evangelical scholars in various fields, including an interview with Dr. Craig on the fact of Jesus' empty tomb."
The Case for Easter (booklet) WLC-045CFEB
Excerpts from Lee Strobel's previous work focusing on the evidence for Jesus' resurrection drawn from his interviews with Dr. Craig and other scholars. A useful evangelistic gift.
The Case for Faith (paperback) WLC-043CFFT
Lee Strobel's sequel to his Case for Christ, including an interview with Dr. Craig on the reasonableness of belief in miracles."
Contending with Christianity’s Critics (paperback) WLC-051CCC
This second book of modern Christian apologetics from the Evangelical Philosophical Society addresses challenges made by noted New Atheists like Richard Dawkins and other contemporary critics of Christianity concerning belief in God, the historical Jesus, and Christianity’s doctrinal coherence. Among the eighteen contributors are Craig A. Evans, Gary R. Habermas, Daniel Wallace, and Ben Witherington."
Creation out of Nothing (paperback) WLC-027CON
Co-authored with Paul Copan, this book examines in detail the biblical, philosophical, and scientific evidence for God's initial creation of the entire universe from nothing."
The Defense Never Rests: A Workbook for Budding Apologists (paperback)
A fill-in-the-blank workbook on Christian Apologetics based on the work of William Lane Craig. Topics include various arguments for God's existence, the Trinity, incarnation, atoning death, and resurrection of Jesus. Requires the Teacher's Handbook of the same title in order to complete. Suitable for bright children as young as eight years old.
The Defense Never Rests: Teachers Handbook (paperback)
The Teacher's Handbook accompanying the student apologetics workbook by the same title. Includes answers to all the questions as well as tips for teaching the material to children.
Die Existenz Gottes und der Anfang des Universums (paperback) WLC-049EGGM
A German translation of The Existence of God and the Beginning of the Universe, an evangelistic presentation for atheists and agnostics of the cosmological argument for the existence of God based on the philosophical and scientific evidence for the beginning of the universe. Includes a discussion of Stephen Hawking's cosmology. **SPECIAL ORDER: CALL FOR AVAILABILITY **"
Divine Foreknowledge: Four Views (paperback) WLC-024DF4V
An exchange between a Calvinist (Paul Helm), an open theist (Gregory Boyd), a Molinist (William Lane Craig), and a defender of simple foreknowledge (David Hunt) on the nature of God's knowledge of the future and its compatibility with libertarian freedom."
Five Views on Apologetics (paperback) WLC-025FV
Five proponents of Classical Apologetics, Presuppositionalism, Reformed Epistemology, Evidentialism, and Cumulative Case Apologetics debate the merits and demerits of their respective views. Dr. Craig defends the methodology of Classical Apologetics in interaction with John Frame, Kelly Clark, Gary Habermas, and Paul Feinberg."
Four Views on Divine Providence (paperback) WLC-056FVDP
Two Reformed theologians, and open theist, and a Molinist cross swords in this lively exchange of views on the nature of divine providence. Dr. Craig provides both biblical and theological reasons for rejecting the extremes of universal, divine, causal determinism on the one hand and a God who gambles on the other. He explains how God's middle knowledge of subjunctive conditional propositions affords God the means of sovereignly directing a world of free persons toward His ends without abrogating their freedom.
God and Time: Four Views (paperback) WLC-031GT
Four different understandings of how God relates to time are defended by several eminent advocates of these views. Paul Helm defends absolute timelessness, Alan Padgett advocates relative timelessness, Nicholas Wolterstorff argues for omnitemporality, and Dr. Craig defends a hybrid view of both timelessness and temporality."
God Under Fire (hardcover) WLC-017GUFR
Refuting recent attacks on the classical Christian view of God, God Under Fire addresses complex questions. Is God bound by time? Does God change? How can we reconcile the existence of God and suffering? In answer, God Under Fire compares today's trendy images of Divinity to the transcendent and relational God of historic Christianity. With clarity and logic, this book helps readers come to their own conclusions about the God of the Bible—the God of reviving power and redemptive love."
"God, Are You There?" (booklet) WLC-003BL2EG
A short booklet aimed at persons seeking to discover whether there is a God. Includes the five arguments Dr. Craig typically presents in his debates, along with answers to the most important objections which his opponents should raise."
God? A Debate between a Christian and an Atheist (paperback) WLC-023DGPB
A congenial and accessible exchange between Dr. Craig and Walter Sinnott-Armstrong based on two of their debates, exploring the implications of Big Bang cosmology, the fine-tuning of the universe, the existence of objective moral values, the evidence for Jesus, innocent suffering, the hiddenness of God, and more. Perfect for an intelligent seeker who wants to hear both sides."
Hak Lui Guard Bo Si Wu Gou Hai Lik (booklet) WLC-040ASC
A Chinese translation of four of Dr. Craig's articles together in a boxed set of attractive booklets: "Five Reasons God Exists and Three Reasons It Makes a Difference," "The Ultimate Question of Origins," "The Necessity of Theological Foundations for Morality," and "Contemporary Scholarship and the Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus." **SPECIAL ORDER: CALL FOR AVAILABILITY **"
"Hard Questions, Real Answers" (paperback) WLC-032HQ
Why doesn’t God answer my prayers? If God is so powerful, why does evil exist? And if He is so good, why do we suffer? In Hard Questions, Real Answers, readers in the midst of doubt and confusion will find real answers to these perplexing questions and learn to stand on the only sure foundation for hope—God Himself. This expanded new edition includes chapters on abortion and homosexuality to help readers know how to think about these volatile social issues."
Portuguese translation: Apologética para questões difíceis da vida
Jesus' Resurrection: Fact or Figment? (paperback ) WLC-026JRFF
A transcript of Dr. Craig's debate at Boston College with Gerd Lüdemann, the leading German New Testament critic of the resurrection. Featuring an extended discussion and critique of Lüdemann's hypothesis that the post-mortem appearances of Christ were guilt-induced hallucinations on the part of Peter and Paul, the book includes vigorous defenses of Lüdemann's position by Michael Goulder and Roy Hoover, as well as critiques by Robert Gundry and Stephen Davis, along with final responses by Drs. Lüdemann and Craig."
Jesus Under Fire (paperback) WLC-033JUF
Jesus Under Fire challenges the methodology and findings of the Jesus Seminar, which generally clash with the biblical records. It examines the authenticity of the words, actions, miracles, and resurrection of Jesus, and presents compelling evidence for the traditional biblical teachings. Combining accessibility with scholarly depth, Jesus Under Fire helps readers judge for themselves whether the Jesus of the Bible is the Jesus of history, and whether the gospels’ claim is valid that he is the only way to God."
On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision (paperback) WLC-053OG
Pre-order your copy of William Lane Craig’s newest book today! All pre-orders will be shipped in March 2010 when the book is released.
The Only Wise God: The Compatibility of Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom (paperback) WLC-034OW
A philosophically careful defense of God's complete foreknowledge of genuinely free human acts. A potent antidote to current "openness of God" theologies. Includes a defense of divine "middle knowledge" as a basis of God's knowledge of the future."
Passionate Conviction: Modern Discourses on Christian Apologetics (paperback) WLC-050PSCN
Is your heart on fire for God? Passionate Conviction brings together the most popular and heart-stirring presentations in defense of Christianity from the annual fall conference on apologetics held in association with the Evangelical Philosophical Society, the C. S. Lewis Institute, and the Christian Apologetics program at Biola University."
Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview (hardcover) WLC-011PFCW
Co-authored with the outstanding Christian philosopher J. P. Moreland, this massive text provides an introduction to the entire field of philosophy from a Christian point of view, including topics in the philosophy of religion. Winner of the 2004 EFCA Gold Medallion Book Award."
Portuguese translation: Filosofia e cosmovisão cristã
Reasonable Faith (paperback) WLC-001RF3ed
Perfect as a textbook yet excellent for lay readers, this updated edition builds a positive case for Christianity by applying the latest thought to core theological themes. Wanting to engage not just academics and pastors but Christian laypeople and seekers, Dr. Craig has revised and updated key sections in this third edition of his classic text to reflect the latest work in astrophysics, philosophy, probability calculus, the arguments for the existence of God, and Reformed epistemology. His approach-that of positive apologetics-gives careful attention to crucial questions and concerns, including: the relationship of faith and reason, the existence of God, the problems of historical knowledge and miracles, the personal claims of Christ, and the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus. He shows that there is good reason to think Christianity is true. "
Reasonable Faith Study Guide (spiral notebook) WLC-001RF3SG
Reasonable Faith is a perfect book for the classroom, yet resourceful for thoughtful Christian leaders, whether in the local church, the academy or other parachurch organizations. The updated edition builds a positive case for Christianity that reflects twenty-five years of debating, lecturing, and writing on important issues in Christian apologetics. This study guide and workbook is the perfect tool for anyone interested in discussing and digesting the material presented by Dr. Craig in a more thorough fashion."
The Son Rises: The Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus (paperback) WLC-028SR
A thorough yet accessible defense of the historical fact of Jesus' resurrection based on the facts of Jesus' empty tomb, post-mortem appearances, and the origin of the Christian movement. Geared for the non-believer and closes with a gospel presentation."
Time and Eternity: Exploring God’s Relationship to Time (paperback) WLC-004TE
A semi-popular exploration of the nature of divine eternity, focusing on the question of whether God is timeless or temporal. Includes a lengthy discussion of the nature of time as dynamic versus static and proposes a novel understanding of divine eternity which is biblically, scientifically, and philosophically tenable."
To Everyone an Answer (hardcover) WLC-016TEA
Co-edited with Francis Beckwith and J. P. Moreland, this collection features articles by prominent apologists on faith and reason, God's existence, Christ and miracles, and philosophical, religious, and cultural challenges to Christian faith."
What Does God Know? (booklet) WLC-038WGK
A booklet laying out a biblical, theological, and philosophical defense of divine forknowledge of future free acts of men, including a defense of God's middle knowledge. Dr. Craig's most recent thoughts on this vital subject.
Why I Am a Christian (paperback) WLC-021WC
Essays by leading evangelical thinkers explaining why they embrace Christian beliefs, including a chapter by Dr. Craig on the existence of God."
Will The Real Jesus Please Stand Up? (paperback) WLC-030RJ
The transcript of a debate between Dr. Craig and John Dominic Crossan, the celebrated co-chairman of the radical Jesus Seminar, moderated by William F. Buckley. Focusing on the historical question of Jesus' resurrection, the book also includes responses by two Jesus Seminar fellows, Marcus Borg and Robert Miller, and two evangelical New Testament Scholars, Craig Blomberg and Ben Witherington III, along with final statements by Drs. Crossan and Craig."
II. Academic Books
Assessing the New Testament Evidence for the Historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus (hardcover) WLC-008NT
A thorough examination of the New Testament materials undergirding the historicity of Jesus' resurrection, focusing on the empty tomb, the post-mortem appearances, and the origin of belief in Jesus' resurrection. This revised edition includes appendices in response to the theories of Robinson, Crossan, and Lüdemann."
The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology (hardcover) WLC-052BCNT
With the help of in-depth essays from some of the world's leading philosophers,The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology explores the nature and existence of God through human reason and evidence from the natural world. This volume provides in-depth and cutting-edge treatment of natural theology's main arguments and includes contributions from first-rate philosophers well known for their work on the relevant topics. It updates relevant arguments in light of the most current, state-of-the-art philosophical and scientific discussions and stands in useful contrast and opposition to the arguments of the 'new atheists'."
The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology (paperback)
With the help of in-depth essays from some of the world's leading philosophers,The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology explores the nature and existence of God through human reason and evidence from the natural world. This volume provides in-depth and cutting-edge treatment of natural theology's main arguments and includes contributions from first-rate philosophers well known for their work on the relevant topics. It updates relevant arguments in light of the most current, state-of-the-art philosophical and scientific discussions and stands in useful contrast and opposition to the arguments of the 'new atheists'."
The Cosmological Argument from Plato to Leibniz (paperback) WLC-036CAPL
The most thorough history to date of the development of the cosmological argument in its various forms.
Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom: The Coherence of Theism I: Omniscience (hardcover) WLC-009HF
A wide-ranging discussion of the challenge of theological fatalism, drawing upon parallel discussions in the literature concerning retro-causation, time travel, tachyons, Special Relativity, precognition, and Newcomb's Paradox."
Does God Exist? (paperback) WLC-005FDPD
William Lane Craig and Antony Flew met on the 50th anniversary of the famous Copleston/Russell debate to discuss the question of God’s existence. The core of this book contains the edited transcript of that debate. Also included are eight chapters in which other significant philosophers Paul Draper, R. Douglas Geivett, Michael Martin, Keith M. Parsons, William Rowe, William J. Wainwright, Keith Yandell and David Yandell critique the debate and address the issues raised. The result of these many contributions is a book which provides the reader with a summary of the current discussion and allows one to enter into the dialogue on this central question in the philosophy of religion. "
"Einstein, Relativity and Absolute Simultaneity" (hardcover) WLC-048ERAS
A great deal has changed since 1905 when Einstein proposed his Special Theory of Relativity, and this collection of essays offers a fresh reassessment of Special Relativity's relativistic concept of time in terms of epistemology, metaphysics, and physics."
God, Eternity, and Time (hardcover) WLC-057GET
This book is collection of papers springing out of a conference on God and Time at Humboldt University in Berlin. Featuring contributions by both European and American scholars, the book includes Dr. Craig's public lecture at the conference entitled “Divine Eternity and Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity.”
"God, Time, and Eternity: The Coherence of Theism II: Eternity" (hardcover) WLC-018GTE
A formulation and defense of a coherent doctrine of divine eternity in light of philosophy, physics, and theology."
The Historical Argument for the Resurrection of Jesus during the Deist Controversy (hardcover) WLC-012HA
A history of historical apologetics for Jesus' resurrection from the first to the twentieth century, focusing on its apogee during the Deist controversy in Europe. Includes an extended discussion of the problem of miracles, which forms the backdrop for any contemporary apologetic for the resurrection."
Is Goodness Without God Good Enough? (paperback) WLC-039GWOG
This volume, edited by Robert Garcia and Nathan King, provides an accessible, charitable discussion of the relationship between ethics and religion that represents a range of views along the spectrum. The book begins with a lively debate between Paul Kurtz and William Lane Craig on the question, Is goodness without God good enough? Kurtz defends the affirmative position and Craig the negative. Following the debate are new essays by prominent scholars. These essays comment on the debate and advance the broader discussion of religion and morality. The book closes with final responses from Kurtz and Craig. "
The Kalam Cosmological Argument (paperback) WLC-006KC
Dr. Craig's ground-breaking defense of a classic argument for the existence of God on the basis of the finitude of the past.
The Logic of Rational Theism (hardcover) WLC-019RT
A Festschrift for Stuart C. Hackett, this collection includes an essay on the teleological argument by Dr. Craig."
Mere Creation (paperback) WLC-037MC
A collection of papers on Intelligent Design from a ground-breaking conference at Biola University, featuring scientists and philosophers such as William Dembski, Paul Nelson, Michael Behe, Jonathan Wells, Jeffery Schloss, and .J. P. Moreland. Includes Dr. Craig's paper "Design and The Cosmological Argument.""
Naturalism: A Critical Appraisal (hardcover) WLC-010NACA
A volume of essays by philosophers such as J. P. Moreland, Paul Moser, Charles Taliaferro, Dallas Willard, and William Dembski criticizing the adequacy of naturalism as a metaphysical worldview from a wide variety of perspectives. Includes Dr. Craig's essay "Naturalism and Cosmology.""
Philosophy of Religion: A Reader and Guide (paperback) WLC-022PRP / / (hardcover) WLC-007PRH
An outstanding anthology of the finest work on contemporary philosophy of religion, treating religious epistemology, natural theology, the coherence of theism, the problem of evil, the soul and immortality, and Christian theology. In addition to the general introduction by Dr. Craig, there is an introduction to each major section by an evangelical philosopher selected by Dr. Craig as a respected specialist in that area."
The Problem of Divine Foreknowledge and Future Contingents from Aristotle to Suarez (hardcover) WLC-020PDF
A history of various attempts to deal with the problem of theological fatalism, beginning with the enunciation of the problem by Aristotle and terminating with the middle knowledge solution of Molina and Suarez."
The Tensed Theory of Time: A Critical Examination (hardcover) WLC-013TD
A presentation of the principal arguments for and against a dynamic theory of time, drawing upon philosophy of language, phenomenology, McTaggart's Paradox, and the myth of temporal passage."
The Tenseless Theory of Time: A Critical Examination (hardcover) WLC-014TDL
A presentation of the principal arguments for and against a static theory of time, drawing upon Relativity Theory, philosophy of science, the nature of persistence, and temporal becoming."
"Theism, Atheism, and Big Bang Cosmology" (paperback) WLC-029TAB
An exchange of essays with non-theistic philosopher Quentin Smith on the metaphysical and scientific evidence for the finitude of the past and its theological implications.
Time and the Metaphysics of Relativity (hardcover) WLC-015TM
An examination of the nature of time and the correct physical interpretation of the time concepts in Special and General Relativity in light of the competing perspectives of Einstein, Minkowski, and Lorentz."
"Time, Reality and Transcendence in Rational Perspective" (paperback) WLC-039TRT
A compilation of essays featuring two of Dr. Craig's lectures at the University of Aalborg in Denmark, as well as a transcript of his debate on the existence of God with the Danish philosopher Lennart Noerreklit."
The Two Tasks of the Christian Scholar (paperback) WLC-047TTCS
In 1980, Dr. Charles Malik gave a memorable and poignant address at the dedication of the Billy Graham Center on the campus of Wheaton College. He presented a Two Fold challenge: saving the soul and, saving the mind. In this book several contributors, including Dr. Craig seek to apply this message to our current context. This book is a call to academics to integrate Christian faith with their disciplines."
Who Was Jesus? (paperback) WLC-035WJ
A transcript of Dr. Craig's debate with a Jewish professor of religious studies Peter Zaas, along with responses to their debate by both Jewish and Christian scholars."
III. Conferences
(CDs and DVDs)
The Future of Truth (CD) WLC-CONF003A
An exciting one-day apologetics conference held at historic Moody Church in Chicago, featuring Ravi Zacharias, William Lane Craig, Philip Johnson, Erwin Lutzer, Emir Caner, and Frank Peretti. In this conference, multiple influential Evangelical speakers address various issues surrounding the loss of truth in our age, including evolution vs. creationism, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the Islamic faith. These passionate speakers also demonstrate through argument how Christians are called to (and thus have the ability to) take part in the reversal of this dangerous trend in Western culture before truth completely disappears. (6 CD album) "
Loving God with All Our Minds (CD) WLC-CONF006A
Over 1,450 people attended the fourth annual apologetics conference of the Evangelical Philosophical Society held at McLean Bible Church just outside Washington, D.C. In addition to such well-known speakers as J. P. Moreland, Gary Habermas, Greg Koukl, and William Lane Craig, this conference is features a special track on Intelligent Design with Paul Nelson, Bruce Gordon, Guillermo Gonzales, and Michael Behe."
Reason for the Hope Within (CD) WLC-CONF001A
The third annual apologetics conference of the Evangelical Philosophical Society in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, with plenary sessions and workshops by such prominent evangelical scholars as J. P. Moreland, William Lane Craig, Paul Copan, Michael Murray, Robin Collins, Ben Witherington, Charles Quarles, Garry Deweese, David Horner, and others."
The Resurrection: Historical Event or Theological Explanation? (CD) WLC-CONF005A
An important conference held at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, featuring a dialogue bewtween N. T. Wright and John Dominic Crossan, with incisive responses to the dialogue from William Lane Craig, Gary Habermas, Douglas Geivett, Charles Quarles, Craig Evans, and Ted Peters, along with counter-responses from Wright and Crossan. (8 CD album)"
Set Forth Your Case (CD) WLC- CONF004A
The greatest apologetics conference ever held, featuring 24 invited speakers from the Evangelical Philosophical Society/Evangelical Theological Society, including Wm. L. Craig, J. P. Moreland, D. Geivett, G. Habermas, D. Groothuis, G. Koukl, F. Beckwith, N. T. Wright, D. Bock, C. Evans, et al. (24 CDs in 2 vol. album)."
To Everyone an Answer (CD) WLC-CONF002A
Second annual apologetics conference of the Evangelical Philosophical Society in San Antonio, featuring lectures by such prominent evangelical scholars and communicators as J. P. Moreland, William Lane Craig, Francis Beckwith, Norman Geisler, Craig Hazen, Ben Witherington, Gary Habermas, Lee Strobel, Greg Koukl, and others. (20 CDs in 2 vol. album)."
IV. Debates
(CDs, and DVDs)
The Best of William Lane Craig Debate Collection (DVD)
2 Boxed sets of twelve of Dr. Craig's top debates, picked by Dr. Craig himself, with philosophers, scientists, and biblical scholars on a wide variety of issues. See the arguments in action against biblical Christianity's top critics!
Volume 1: 1) Christopher Hitchens - Does God Exist? Biola University 2) John Shelby Spong - Resurrection Debate: Bethel College, Indiana 3) Peter Atkins - What is the Evidence for/against the Existence of God? Carter Center, Atlanta 4) Gerd Ludemann - Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? Boston College 5) Victor Stenger - Existence of God? Oregon State University 6) Jamal Badawi - Concept of God in Islam and Christianity: University of Illinois.
Volume 2: 7) Lewis Wolpert - Is God a Delusion? Central Hall Westminster, London 8) Frank Zindler - Atheism vs. Christianity: Willow Creek Church, Chicago 9) Marcus Borg - Did Jesus Physically Rise from the Dead? University of North Texas 10) Austin Dacey - Does God Exist? Purdue University, Indiana 11) Francisco Ayala - Intelligent Design: Is It Viable? University of Indiana 12) Bart Ehrman - Is There Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus? College of the Holy Cross , Mass.
William Lane Craig vs. Peter Slezak: "Atheism vs. Christianity" (CD) WLC-RFM001A / (DVD) WLC-RFM001V
The largest audience in recent memory crowded into the elegant Town Hall in Sydney, Australia, for a rare chance to hear this debate with the eminent Australian philosopher Peter Slezak on the question of the existence of God. The debate ranges over such diverse issues as the origin and fine-tuning of the universe, the foundation of moral values, the resurrection of Jesus, the hiddenness of God, and many more."
William Lane Craig vs. Frank Zindler: "Atheism vs. Christianity: Where Does the Evidence Point?" (CD) WLC-RFM006A / (DVD) WLC-RFM006V
A classic debate before nearly 8,000 people at Willow Creek Community Church pitting Dr. Craig against the foremost representative of American Atheists."
William Lane Craig vs. A.C. Grayling: "Belief in God Makes Sense in Light of Tsunamis" (CD) WLC-RFM029A
Founded in 1823, the Oxford Union is the most prestigious debating society in the world, within whose walls British prime ministers and heads of the state have argued their views. On the evening of April 28, 2005, the Union sponsored this unusual debate between the American Christian philosopher William Lane Craig and Oxford University's own A.C. Grayling, a distinguished philosopher and man of letters famous in Great Britain for his vociferous secularism. Decide for yourself whether belief in God can be rationally maintained in the face of terrible suffering."
William Lane Craig vs. Shabir Ally: "Christianity and Islam" (CD) WLC-DEB001A / (DVD) WLC-DEB001V
A truly remarkable series of four debates held at four Canadian universities on four different questions. Debate 1: "Did Jesus Rise From the Dead?" (University of Toronto). Ally counters Craig's argument for Jesus' resurrection by defending the apparent death theory with a novel Islamic twist: Jesus was taken down from the cross alive and placed in the tomb, where God assumed him into heaven before he could die. Debate 2: "What Must I Do to Be Saved?" (York University). Craig presents three objections to the Islamic view of salvation, and Ally responds by maintaining that God as described in the Qur’an is no less loving than the God of the Bible and that salvation is easy to obtain on the Islamic view. Debate 3: "The Concept of God in Islam and Christianity" (McMaster University). Craig argues for a Trinitarian concept of God and objects that the Islamic concept involves inadequate doctrines of divine goodness and omnipotence, while Ally argues that the primitive Christian concept of God was Unitarian and that the Islamic conception of God is not morally defective. Debate 4: "Who Is the Real Jesus?: The Jesus of the Bible or the Jesus of the Qur'an?" (University of Western Ontario). Craig argues on the basis of standard criteria of authenticity that the historical Jesus had a divine self-understanding, while Ally maintains that personal claims to divinity are inauthentic. "
William Lane Craig vs. R. I. G. Hughes: "Christianity vs. Agnosticism" (CD) WLC-RFM015A / (DVD) WLC-RFM015V
A debate at the University of South Carolina, featuring a defense of theism coupled with a multi-faceted argument for the untenability of agnosticism."
William Lane Craig vs. Garrett Hardin: "Christianity vs. Scientific Naturalism" (CD) WLC-VER005A / (DVD) WLC-VER005V
A debate at the University of California, Santa Barbara, giving positive case for supernaturalism with a pointed critique of scientific naturalism as an adequate worldview."
William Lane Craig vs. Felmon Davis: "Christianity vs. Secular Humanism" (CD) WLC-RFM011A / (DVD) WLC-RFM011V
The case for Christianity contrasted with the crucial shortcomings of the worldview of secular humanism.
William Lane Craig vs. Jamal Badawi: "The Concept of God in Islam and Christianity" (CD) WLC-RFM009A / (DVD) WLC-RFM009V
A friendly exchange at the University of Illinois with a leading Muslim apologist, showing the moral deficiency of the Islamic concept of God and the historical unreliability of the Qur'anic portrait of Jesus."
William Lane Craig vs. R. Gregory Cavin: "Dead or Alive?" (CD) WLC-RFM019A
A debate before 2,500 people at the University of California, Irvine, providing a defense of the historicity of Jesus' resurrection and a critique of Cavin's novel Twin Theory that post-mortem appearances of Jesus were sightings of Jesus' unknown identical twin brother."
William Lane Craig vs. Robert Price: "Did Jesus of Nazareth Rise from the Dead?" (CD) WLC-RFM021A
A Veritas Forum debate at the Ohio State University with a prominent sceptic, featuring a critique of Price's claim that the belief in Jesus' resurrection is the outgrowth of mythological influences."
William Lane Craig vs. Richard Carrier: "Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?" (CD) WLC-RFM046A / (DVD) WLC-RFM046V
This much anticipated debate pitted Dr. Craig against the darling of the secular web. The debate features a devastating critique of Carrier's interpretation of Paul's doctrine of the resurrection as involving an exchange of bodies.
William Lane Craig vs. Gerd Lüdemann: "Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?" (CD) WLC-RFM016A / (DVD) WLC-RFM016V
A debate at Boston College with the leading German critic of the historicity of Jesus' resurrection, contrasting the explanatory adequacy of the Resurrection Hypothesis with Lüdemann's Hallucination Hypothesis."
William Lane Craig vs. Marcus Borg: "Did Jesus Rise Physically from the Dead?" (CD) WLC-DEB002A / (DVD) WLC-DEB002V
A four-man debate including Darrell Bock and Daryl Schmidt, in which the respective presidents of the Evangelical Philosophical Society and the Evangelical Theological Society team up against two members of the Jesus Seminar to defend the historicity of Jesus' resurrection."
William Lane Craig vs. Eric Dayton: "Do Evil and Suffering Disprove God?" (CD) WLC-RFM020A
A poignant debate at the University of Saskatchewan on whether the apparently pointless evil and suffering in the world make atheism the rationally superior worldview.
William Lane Craig vs. Walter Sinnott-Armstrong: "Do Suffering and Evil Disprove God?" (CD) WLC-RFM012A / (DVD) WLC-RFM012V
A debate in which an atheist philosopher assumes the burden of proof to show why suffering and evil constitute a disproof of God's existence An expanded version is available in book form as God?: A Debate between a Christian and an Atheist.
William Lane Craig vs. Antony Flew: "Does God Exist?" (CD) WLC-DEB003A / (DVD) WLC-DEB003V
A debate before 4,000 students at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, on the 50th anniversary of the famous Russell-Copleston BCC radio debate, re-examining the arguments for and against the existence of God."
William Lane Craig vs. Theodore Drange: "Does God Exist? Atheism vs. Christianity" (CD) WLC-RFM013A / (DVD) WLC-RFM013V
A debate at the University of Illinois offering a critique of Drange's arguments from unbelief and from evil for God's non-existence.
William Lane Craig vs. Christopher Hitchens: "Does God Exist?" (DVD) WLC-RFM090404V
Dr. Craig takes on one of the "four horsemen" of the New Atheism in this celebrated encounter moderated by radio personality Hugh Hewitt. Nearly 10,000 people attended this debate in person, while countless more watched it live at sites in 35 states and four foreign countries. One atheist blogger's summary of the debate: "Frankly, Craig spanked Hitchens like a foolish child.""
This dialogue with a long-time critic of the kalam cosmological focuses entirely on that argument. The result is a friendly, substantive discussion of almost all aspects of that argument. This is a must for fans and critics of the kalam cosmological argument!
William Lane Craig vs. John Shook: "Does God Exist?" (Product coming 2010),
In this rousing debate before a largely secular audience at the University of British Columbia, Dr. Craig not only defends arguments for God's existence against naturalistic objections, but presses naturalist John Shook to provide a cogent argument for naturalism.
William Lane Craig vs. Victor Stenger: "Does God Exist?" (CD) WLC-RFM048A / (DVD) WLC-RFM048V
In this re-match at Oregon State University Dr. Craig responds to Dr. Stenger's most recent criticisms in his books, especially his argument that there is insufficient evidence of God's existence, and defends a Leibnizian cosmological argument and an ontological argument for God's existence.
William Lane Craig vs. George Williamson: "Does God Exist?" (Product coming 2010),
In this debate at the University of Saskatchewan the Canadian philosopher George Williamson attempts to turn back the force of Dr. Craig's several arguments for theism while offering several arguments for the truth of atheism.
William Lane Craig vs. Massimo Pigliucci: "Does the Christian God Exist?" (CD) WLC-RFM014A / (DVD) WLC-RFM014V
A debate at the University of Georgia between the Italian biologist and ardent anti-theist Massimo Pigliucci and William Lane Craig on the question of God's existence, in which they tackle questions like the compatibility of biological evolution with Christian theism, the existence and foundation of moral values, and the implications of modern cosmology for the existence of God."
William Lane Craig vs. Andrew Pyle: "Does the Christian God Exist?" (CD) WLC-UCF070301A / (DVD) WLC-UCF070301V
This debate in the awe-inspiring Great Hall of the University of Bristol in England is unusual in that Dr. Pyle came thoroughly prepared to contest Dr. Craig's arguments for the Christian God. The result is a scrappy and substantive exchange on the issues, followed by a serious Question and Answer time with the large audience."
William Lane Craig vs. Paul Draper: "The Existence of God?" (CD) WLC-RFM008A / (DVD) WLC-RFM008V
A debate at the U. S. Military Academy at West Point on whether the arguments for and against the existence of God make it probable that God exists or leave us in agnosticism.
William Lane Craig vs. Norbert Hörster: "Existiert Gott?" (CD) WLC-RFM036A
Eine ungewöhnliche und spannende Debatte an der Technische Universität-München mit Schwerpunkt Craigs fünf Gottesbeweise und Hörsters Problem des übels.
William Lane Craig vs. Peter Atkins: "God and Science" (CD) WLC-DEB004A
"It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure.” Albert Einstein. This debate is moderated by William F. Buckley, Jr."
William Lane Craig vs. Paul Kurtz: "Goodness Without God is Good Enough" (CD) WLC-FMC101A / (DVD) WLC-FMC101V
A debate with a leading humanist hosted by Franklin & Marshall College on whether God is necessary for a sound foundation for morality.
William Lane Craig vs. J. S. Spong: "The Great Resurrection Debate" (CD) WLC-CNN305A / (DVD) WLC-CCN305V
Nothing is more central to the Christian doctrine than the reality of Christ’s resurrection. In this debate, several religious leaders discuss whether the resurrection was a real, physical event. Presented by Church Communication Network (CCN)."
William Lane Craig vs. John Muddiman: "The Historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus" (CD) WLC-RFM034A
Dr. Craig's lecture followed by commentary by Oxford University tutor in New Testament Studies John Muddiman, dialogue, and student questions at the meeting of the Theological Society of Oxford University in the spring of 2005."
William Lane Craig vs. Shabir Ally: "Hoax or History? On the Physical Resurrection of Jesus Christ" (CD) WLC-RFM044A / (DVD) WLC-RFM044V
Muslim apologist Shabir Ally and Dr. Craig meet for a re-match on the question of Jesus' resurrection. Their exchange includes a trenchant critique of Ally's revisionist Islam, according to which Jesus was crucified but taken down from the cross alive and placed in a tomb, whence God assumed him directly into heaven."
William Lane Craig vs. Torbjorn Tännsjö: "If God Dead, Is Everything Permitted?" (CD) WLC-RFM025A
As the climax of a speaking tour of Swedish universities in the spring of 2001 William Lane Craig met Torbjorn Tännsjö, Sweden's leading ethicist, in Gothenburg to debate the question, "If God is dead, is everything permitted?" Prof. Tannsjo is a hedonistic utilitarian, who believes that the good is whatever brings the greatest pleasure to the greatest number of people and that God has nothing at all to do with morality. Prof. Craig argues that moral values and duties are based in the commands of a holy and loving God and that without God morality becomes wholly subjective. This gripping debate will help you to clarify your own thinking about the basis of moral values."
William Lane Craig vs. Arif Ahmed: "Is Belief in God More Reasonable than Disbelief?" (CD) WLC-RFM033A
Cambridge University was the site of the third debate in Dr. Craig's European Apologetics Network 2005 speaking tour. He takes on Cambridge University's young and sometimes caustic atheist philosopher Arif Ahmed.
William Lane Craig vs. Michael Begon: "Is God a Delusion?" (CD) WLC-UCF070307A / (DVD) WLC-UCF070307V
Nearly a thousand students at the University of Liverpool in England packed the hall for this debate with a vociferous local professor. There is never dull moment is this lively event.
William Lane Craig vs. Lewis Wolpert: "Is God a Delusion?" (CD) WLC-UCF070227A / (DVD) WLC-UCF070227V
Magnificent Central Hall in the heart of London was packed with 2,200 people to watch this scintillating debate bewtween one of Britain's best known atheists and Dr. Craig. Moderated by the ascerbic BBC commentator John Humphreys, the debate features an entertaining moderated dialogue between the two protagonists."
William Lane Craig vs. Louise Antony: "Is God Necessary for Morality?" (CD) WLC-RFM040A / (DVD) WLC-RFM040V
Professor Antony, a lapsed Catholic, defends the objectivity of moral values and duties without God and presses the famous Euthyphro Dilemma against divine command morality. The debate not only includes Dr. Craig's instructive response to these criticisms but also contains some revealing personal moments as well."
William Lane Craig vs. Shelly Kagan: "Is God Necessary for Morality?" (CD) WLC-RFM045A / (DVD) WLC-RFM045V
In this collegial dialogue at Columbia University in New York, Dr. Craig and a prominent ethicist from Yale University discuss whether God is necessary as a foundation for objective moral values and duties."
William Lane Craig vs. Francisco Ayala: "Is Intelligent Design Viable?" (CD) WLC-RFM047A / (DVD) WLC-RFM047V
This debate during the University of Indiana's celebrations of the 150th anniversary of Darwin's Origin of the Species pits Dr. Craig against one of the world's most eminent evolutionary biologists. The debate carefully differentiates different senses of "evolution," explores the explanatory mechanisms alleged to account for evolutionary change, and examines the typical objections to a design inference in biology, including the presence of sub-optimal designs in nature and the problem of animal suffering.
William Lane Craig vs. Victor Stenger: "Is There a God?" (CD) WLC-RFM002A / (DVD) WLC-RFM002V
A debate before a packed house at the University of Hawaii with Professor of Physics Victor Stenger in which Craig and Stenger square off on such issues as the Big Bang and the beginning of time, the odds of the fine-tuning of the constants and quantities requisite for life, evil and moral values, religious experience, and many more."
William Lane Craig vs. Bart Ehrman: "Is There Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus?" (CD) WLC-RFM037A / (DVD) WLC-RFM037V
A debate with an influential ex-evangelical focusing on Ehrman's claim that a miraculous event like the resurrection of Jesus is so improbable that no historian could ever justifiably adopt such an explanation of the fate of Jesus of Nazareth. Dr. Craig exposes two critical mistakes in Ehrman's reasoning which he calls "Ehrman's Egregious Error" and "Bart's Blunder.""
William Lane Craig vs. Hector Avalos: "The Resurrection of Jesus: Fact or Fiction?" (CD) WLC-RFM018A
In this spirited debate before 3,000 Iowa State University students on the historical veracity of the resurrection of Jesus, Dr. Craig challenges Religious Studies Prof. Hector Avalos' determined efforts to undermine the faith of students in his classes."
William Lane Craig vs. Gerd Lüdemann: "The Resurrection of Jesus: History or Hallucination?" (CD) WLC-VER052A / (DVD) WLC-VER052V
A debate between Drs. Craig and Lüdemann at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, California, discussing the popular topic, "Was Jesus' Resurrection a Historical Fact or a Contrived Event?""
William Lane Craig, Alvin Plantinga, Quentin Smith, and Richard Gale: "Science and Religion" (CD) WLC-VER098A / (DVD) WLC-VER098V
A panel of leading thinkers of differing perspectives explores the relationship between science and religion. Includes opening statements, responses, and discussion."
William Lane Craig vs. Roy Hoover: "Should We Believe that the Resurrection of Jesus is Historical?" (CD) WLC-RFM042A
This debate matches Dr. Craig against one of the co-chairmen of the infamous Jesus Seminar. Will the case for the historicity of Jesus' resurrection withstand the critical scrutiny of one of the leading figures of radical New Testament scholarship? Listen and judge for yourself!
William Lane Craig vs. Austin Dacey: "The Ultimate Debate: Does God Exist?" (CD) WLC-RFM004A / (DVD) WLC-RFM004V
Three and a half thousand people gathered in the Elliott Hall of Music on the campus of Purdue University to witness this intellectual collision of two major competing worldviews in American culture: Christianity and secular humanism. In this debate the young atheist humanist Austin Dacey takes on William Lane Craig.
William Lane Craig vs. Austin Dacey: "The Ultimate Debate: Does God Exist? Rematch" (CD) WLC-RFM032A / (DVD) WLC-RFM032V
A year after their debate at Purdue University, Drs. Craig and Dacey met for a rematch at Cal State University in Fresno. This debate advances the discussion in their previous encounter and reflects their further thinking on the issues."
William Lane Craig vs. Bruce Russell: "The Ultimate Debate: Does God Exist?" (CD) WLC-RFM003A / (DVD) WLC-RFM003V
A debate with an atheist philosopher before the corps of cadets at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point focusing on the problem of innocent suffering and the positive evidence of God's reality.
William Lane Craig vs. James Crossley: "Was Jesus Bodily Raised from the Dead?" (CD) WLC-UCF070306A / (DVD) WLC-UCF070306V
A young New Testament scholar takes on Dr. Craig at the University of Sheffield, England. Dr. Crossley dates Mark's Gospel to A.D. 40 but nonethless explains his empty tomb narrative as an example of creative Jewish story-writing and takes Jesus' post-mortem appearances to be hallucinatory visions."
William Lane Craig vs. Peter Atkins: "What Is the Evidence For / Against the Existence of God?" (CD) WLC-DEB007A / (DVD) WLC-DEB007V
A debate at the Carter Center in Atlanta with one of Britain's most famous and outspoken scientific naturalists.
William Lane Craig vs. Keith Parsons: "Why I Am / Am Not a Christian" (CD) WLC-RFM010A / (DVD) WLC-RFM010V
A very spirited and personal exchange in Dallas, Texas, with a prominent atheist philosopher on the reasons for becoming or not becoming a Christian believer."
William Lane Craig vs. John Dominic Crossan: "Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?" (CD) WLC-DEB008A
A lively debate on the real Jesus, held at historic Moody Church in Chicago and moderated by William F. Buckley, with the co-chairman of the radical Jesus Seminar, featuring a colorful mix of Irish, British, and American accents."
V. Lectures
(CDs, and DVDs)
A Middle Knowledge Perspective on the Inspiration of Scripture (CD) WLC-RFM028A
One of the workshops presented by Dr. Craig at the European Apologetics Network annual conference in Sopron, Hungary. A fascinating exploration of the light the doctrine of middle knowledge can shed upon the doctrine of the plenary, verbal, and yet confluent inspiration of the Bible."
The Absurdity of Life Without God (CD) WLC-LEC010A
Some people dismiss God far too quickly and do not understand that it is impossible to make sense of human experience and the world without reference to an all powerful Creator. Dr. Craig reveals the dead ends that modern scholars have run into when trying to make sense of life without God and shows that the God of the Bible has provided what humans have been seeking all along.
Are There Objective Truths about God? (CD) WLC-RFM027A
A plenary address before the annual conference of the European Leadership Forum in Sopron, Hungary, in which Dr. Craig considers three modern and post-modern challenges to the objectivity of truths about God: Verificationism, Mystical Anti-Realism, and Radical Pheralism. Concludes with provocative reflections on why so many in contemporary culture are attracted to views which are patently self-refuting."
Beyond the Big Bang (CD) WLC-LEC001A / (DVD) WLC-LEC001V
A Templeton Foundation lecture at the University of Colorado, Boulder, laying out the case from contemporary cosmology for the beginning of the universe and its theological implications. Includes a lengthy Q & A period which features previous critics and debate opponents of Dr. Craig who were in attendance, including Michael Tooley, Victor Stenger, and Arnold Guminski."
Beyond the Passion (CD) WLC-VER112A / (DVD) WLC-VER112V
An historical investigation of the course of events following Jesus' crucifixion. Dr. Craig reveals the surprising truth that most New Testament historians agree about three facts concerning the fate of Jesus: the discovery of his empty tomb by a group of his women followers on the Sunday after his crucifixion, the post-mortem appearances of Jesus experienced by various individuals and groups of people, and the earliest disciples' coming suddenly and sincerely to believe, despite their having every predisposition to the contrary, that God had raised Jesus from the dead."
Can We Be Good Without God? (CD) WLC-RMF041A / (DVD) WLC-RFM041V
This presentation of Dr. Craig's moral argument at a Georgia Tech Veritas Forum is highlighted by a lengthy time of interaction with students during the Question and Answer period following his lecture. He models how to respond effectively to questions and objections to the argument.
The Case for a Creator (CD) WLC-LEC002A
Experience the launch Event of a much anticipated new DVD product based on Lee Strobel's best selling book. Hear from scholars who are helping to win the debate over Darwinism in our time.
The Case for a Creator (DVD) WLC-RFM033V
What do the discoveries of modern biology, physics, cosmology, and astronomy really tell us about the origin of life and the universe? When objectively considered, does contemporary scientific evidence point toward or away from a supernatural Creator? Strobel interviewed scientists and scholars from a wide range of disciplines for the answers. Based upon a New York Times best-seller, The Case for a Creator is a remarkable film about Lee Strobel’s journey from spiritual skepticism to a profound faith in the God who has etched His indelible signature upon every galaxy and living cell."
Do All Roads Lead to God? (CD) WLC-VER111A / (DVD) WLC-VER111V
A careful, honest look at the burning theological issue of our day: the challenge posed by religious pluralism to Christ's being the only way to God."
Failure (CD) WLC-BLA002A
A frank and very personal look at the problem of failure in the life of a Christian and how to respond redemptively to it.
"God, Time, and Eternity" (CD) WLC-LEC003A
A mind-expanding exploration of whether God's eternity is to be understood as timelessness or as omnitemporality.
"The Henry Stob Lectures: "Christian Apologetics: Who Needs It?" and "Advice to Christian Apologists" (CD) WLC-RFM030A
The Stob Lectures at Calvin College and Theological Seminary delivered by Dr. Craig. A robust apologetic for Christian apologetics and important advice to those whom God is calling into this arena.
In Intellectual Neutral (CD) WLC-RFM035A
A chapel address at Wheaton College during the annual philosophy conference, issuing a stirring challenge for Christian intellectual engagement and an admonition against the seduction of academic respectability."
Is One True Religion Even Possible? (CD) WLC-VER099A / (DVD) WLC-VER099V
In the view of the religious diversity that exists in the world, how can only one set of religious beliefs be true? Dr. Craig addresses the issue of whether or not one true religion is even possible. In his book, God, Time, and Eternity, Craig brings together discussion of the philosophy of time, space, language, phenomenology and science with the concerns of religion and theology. "
Is There Meaning in Evil and Suffering? (CD) WLC-VT015A / (DVD) WLC-VT015V
A riveting lecture by Ravi Zacharias, followed by a panel discussion featuring William Lane Craig, Bernard Leikind, and Jitendra Mohanty."
Is Your Faith Intellectually Defenseless? (CD / DVD) Available by phone order only
An apologetics seminar for laypeople featuring Dr. Craig and Canadian apologist Michael Horner. Recorded in a church context, this two DVD set is ideal as a beginning survey for church groups of the most important issues in defense of the faith. *Special Order, available by phone only* Biola Apologetics (562) 906-4570
The Jesus of the Bible vs. the Jesus of the Qur'an (CD) WLC-LEC006A
Islam's holy book, the Qur’an, not only mentions Jesus but holds Him in very high esteem. The Qur’an says He was born of a virgin, confirms that Jesus performed miracles, and calls Him "messiah" and "prophet". Is the Jesus of Islam the same as the Jesus of Christianity? In this fascinating lecture, Dr. William Lane Craig skillfully shows the incompatibilities of Islam's Jesus with the Jesus of Christianity. "
Jesus' Passion: Hype or History? (CD) WLC-RFM005A
A response to Mel Gibson's surprise blockbuster 'The Passion of the Christ' exploring the claim of revisionist biblical critics such as John Dominic Crossan, Marcus Borg, and Paula Frederickson that the actual events of Jesus' Passion were significantly different than those portrayed in Gibson's movie. Dr. Craig explains that the revisionists' account of the Passion is just a part of a wider revisionist view of Jesus himself aimed at radically re-interpreting Jesus."
NPR Interview on the Craig-Flew Debate (CD) WLC-RFM017A
A post-mortem interview on with Dr. Craig on National Public Radio in which he shares his reflections in the aftermath of the Craig-Flew debate at the University of Wisconsin, Madison (see William Lane Craig vs. Antony Flew, "Does God Exist?" and William Lane Craig and Antony Flew, Does God Exist?"
On Being a World Christian (CD) WLC-RFM007A
An inspiring message on world evangelization, showing that the pessimistic attitude that characterizes many Western Christians is largely a result of their ignorance of the facts of church history and contemporary demographics. Dr. Craig shows that the truth of the matter is that Christian believers are part of the greatest movement in the history of mankind, which is continuing to spread and change lives across the surface of the globe, bringing with it the possibility of completing the task of world evangelization within this century."
The Problem of Evil (CD) WLC-LEC007A
A three-hour seminar hosted by Stand to Reason in which the various versions of the so-called problem of evil are examined and weighed.
Reasonable Faith (CD) WLC-BKRF001A
Reasonable Faith, Dr. Craig’s signature book, is readily available in this convenient, 10-disc audio book. These CDs feature several actors, including Dr. Craig’s voice, guiding Christians on how to present a positive case for Christian faith centered on the existence of God and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. This recording features the second edition of Reasonable Faith."
Re-Discovering the Historical Jesus (CD) WLC-RFM031A
The Carver-Barnes Lectures at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary exposing the presuppositions and presumptions of the so-called Jesus Seminar and defending key aspects of the life of Jesus historically.
The Resurrection (CD) WLC-VER013A / (DVD) WLC-VER013V
We say we serve a risen Savior but what is the significance of such a claim? The original disciples firmly and sincerely believed that God had raised Jesus from the dead, but does the historicity of the resurrection really matter to life today? In this interview, Dr. Craig answers these questions, and offers compelling reasons for our confidence in Jesus’ resurrection as the foundation of our faith. Following the interview, Dr. Russell's bold address at the University of Southern California, Santa Barbara paints the Easter event as illuminative for all belief and behavior. If the resurrection is true, then it demands that we change the way we think and act: the manner in which we conduct our lives must radiate the reality of God’s transformative power for body and spirit and soul."
Richard Dawkins and the Case for God's Existence (CD) WLC-RFM090114A
Dr. Craig discusses the nature of philosophical argument and how it relates to, and refutes, Richard Dawkins’ defense of atheism. Dr. Craig specifically cites the cosmological argument as a defense of a necessary infinite and uncased God, the moral argument that the existence of objective morality indicates the existence of God, and the evidence for God produced by an ordered universe. This lecture was given at Living Oaks Community Church, Spring 2009."
"Time, Eternity, and Eschatology" (CD) WLC-LEC009A
How should we think about our universe in light of current scientific advancements and research about our world? It appears that these views conflict with theological presuppositions that the Christian worldview must consider about God and His relationship to our world. A fascinating survey of competing views of divine eternity and of the nature of time, with reflections on the implications for physical eschatology, presented to the Torrey Honors Program at Biola University."
The Top Five Questions (CD) WLC-CD210A
Ravi Zacharias and Dr. Craig take on the top five questions that University of Iowa students have about God.
The Two Natures of Christ (CD) WLC-LEC005A
How can Christians reasonably believe that an infinite God became a man? Can Jesus be fully God and fully man, yet one person? What difference does this make in understanding the miracle of salvation? In this profound lecture, Dr. William Lane Craig explores the powerful, central doctrine of Christology and shows the significance of these deep questions for all believers."
Vision in Life (CD) WLC-BLA030317A
An inspiring and challenging account of Dr. Craig's conversion and call to Christian ministry, a powerful reminder that God uses ordinary people who are willing to step out in faith."
What Does God Know? (CD) WLC-STR001A
The Saucy lectures at Biola University, examining the compatibility of divine foreknowledge and human freedom and articulating and defending the doctrine of divine middle knowledge."
Workshop on Natural Theology (CD) WLC-RFM023A
One of the workshops presented by Dr. Craig at the European Apologetics Network annual conference in Sopron, Hungary. Unfolds and defends cosmological and axiological arguments for God's existence."
Workshop on Religious Epistemology (CD) WLC-RFM022A
One of the workshops presented by Dr. Craig at the European Apologetics Network annual conference in Sopron, Hungary. Explores such issues as the presumption of atheism, the hiddenness of God, and how Christian beliefs are warranted."
Workshop on the Coherence of Theism: Omniscience (CD) WLC-RFM024A
One of the workshops presented by Dr. Craig at the European Apologetics Network annual conference in Sopron, Hungary. Investigates challenges to God's foreknowledge of future contingents, such as free human actions."
Workshop on the Historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus (CD) WLC-RFM026A
One of the workshops presented by Dr. Craig at the European Apologetics Network annual conference in Sopron, Hungary. Dr. Craig's lecture is followed by responses by Drs. Jurgen Spiess and Bruce Winter, to whom Dr. Craig gives a final reply."
VI. Course Curriculum
Defending the Resurrection of Jesus (CD) WLC-RFM230A / (DVD) WLC-RFM230V
A 16-hour lay course for the Apologetics program at Biola University defending the historicity of Jesus's physical, bodily resurrection from the dead.
"God, Time, and Eternity" (DVD) WLC-RFM300V
A course Dr. Craig taught at Wheaton College designed to "acquaint the students with the broad range of issues arising for the doctrine of divine eternity from the study of the nature of time." These 20+ hours are a manageable course of study with little outside reading and a lot of great lectures.
The Kalam Cosmological Argument (CD) WLC-RFM270A / (DVD) WLC-RFM270V
A 16-hour mind-expanding course on God, Time and Creation given at Biola University for the Apologetics program. In this seminar Dr. Craig explains his most recent thinking on the soundness of the argument, with wide-ranging discussions of issues in metaphysics, mathematics, and cosmology.
On Guard DVD Curriculum (DVD)
An engaging serious of short interviews featuring Dr. Craig and Bobby Conway introducing each of the chapters of Dr. Craig's book On Guard. An excellent resourse for small groups working through On Guard together.
Philosophical Theology (DVD) WLC-RFM240V
A 30-hour undergraduate course taught by Dr. Craig at Wheaton College, examining at length philosophical theology as it is presented in the Leibnizian and kalam cosmological arguments, the teleological argument, the axiological argument, and the ontological argument. Provides both historical survey and contemporary assessment of each argument.
Philosophy of Religion (DVD) WLC-RFM200V
Dr. Craig's 30-hour survey course at Talbot School of Theology, covering such areas as Religious Epistemology, Natural Theology, Coherence of Theism, and Christian Doctrine. Mind-expanding. The 19 DVD set includes syllabus and assigned bibliography.
Fontes: Wikipedia, Reasonable Faith